The OPEN Philosophy of eZ Publish
eZ publish is built following an open philosophy; Open standards, open source code and open architecture.
Learn Why eZ Publish Is Open
eZ publish is built following an open philosophy; Open standards, open source code and open architecture.
The open standards:
eZ publish follows open standards. Here is a list:
- XML: content is stored in XML
- RSS: XML content syndication is supported via XML
- WebDav: Manage your images and files via the WebDav interface
- LDAP: synchronise your user database with eZ publish via LDAP
- SOAP: eZ publish has a SOAP library for import and exports following this webservices standard
- XML File Format: for import and export of documents.
- W3C: eZ publish is designed to follow the W3C standards
- Browser independent: eZ publish is browser independent, IE, Opera, Mozilla are some of the supported browsers
The open source code:
eZ publish comes with the source code. You get the full right to download, use, modify and distribute the software or derivative work thereof. You have a choice of using it under GPL (free open sourcelicence) or the professional licence. The system also comes with the full documentation available for free from
The open architecture:
eZ publish is designed to be an extremely open and flexible system. You get:
- A general, compact and extendable framework with open API
- Database independence
- Customizable content model
- Operation system independence
- Separation of content and presentation