7x Products eZ Publish Basic CMS Requirements for eZ Publish

Requirements for eZ Publish

eZ Publish Hardware and Software Requirements

eZ publish CMS and Framework.

Technologies used

Supported operating systems

  • Unix systems: Linux, Solaris, HP-UX and FreeBSD. Other Unix-type systems may work as well.
  • Win32 systems: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 2000 and XP. Other Win32 systems may work as well.
  • Macintosh: Mac OS X

We recommend using Linux in a production environment.

Required software

  • A database, currently supported are: MySQL version 3.23 or later, and PostgreSQL version 7.3 or later.
  • Apache 1.3 or 2*, or another web server with PHP support.
  • Apache modules, at least mod_php.
  • PHP 4 version 4.3.4 - 4.4 for eZ publish versions prior to 3.7. eZ publish versions 3.7 and higher require PHP 4.4.0 and higher. PHP must have the pcre extension enabled. eZ publish does not work with PHP 5.
  • ImageMagick and/or GD compiled in PHP for image conversion (not required)

From eZ publish 3.5 it is also beneficial to have domxml extension installed (--with-dom), this will speed up performance in some cases.

A PHP accelerator is highly recommended for a performance boost. Accelerators known to work well with eZ publish include Turck mmCache, Zend Accelerator (ZPS) and APC.

*) We recommend a non-threaded web server as there might be problems related to PHP and PHP extensions in threaded setups. If you can choose between Apache 1.3 and Apache 2, we recommend Apache 1.3 as PHP on that server is the most stable and mature. If Apache 1.3 is not an option, make sure to use the "prefork" version of Apache 2, not the "worker" version.

Required hardware

There are no built-in requirements. The hardware needed to run an eZ publish site depends on several factors, such as the average number of users, the size of the templates (including graphics), and how caching is used. (See the performance notes below.)

The installation requires about 50 MB on your harddisc. We do recommend some minimum values; at least 500 MHz CPU and 250 MB of RAM.

Performance notes

For the best performance, we recommend using Linux and Mysql. Some other factors that may influence the performance of your site are:

  • The number of page views per unit time.
  • The number of concurrent users.
  • The number of nodes. This can affect search and navigation speed when you have several hundred thousand nodes.
  • Update frequency, e.g. how often your content is changed.
  • The complexity of your templates. (For better performance, you could replace complex pieces of template code with custom operators that do the same in PHP code.)
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