7x About Testimonials Bob Sims

Bob Sims

Website Customer
Bob Sims
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"7x - Graham Brookins is a talented web developer who taught me most of what I know about eZ publish, PHP, and the like" - Bob Sims, TwoWheelsBurning.com

"I've worked with Graham in a management capacity on several open-source, web-based projects over the past eight years, including www.ezcommunity.net, www.twistedthrottle.com, and my own personal/development site www.twowheelsburning.com. I have been impressed and beyond satisfied with Graham's work and performance. He demonstrates clearly wide breadth of relevant IT skills, including web application development, database management, hardware engineering, network security, and more. He has taught me a great deal about software engineering and project management. But more importantly, he is able to translate customer goals and requirements into realistic solutions with consideration of all applicable constraints, including time, funding, and staffing. He is an enthusiastic team leader, a patient coach, and a trusted friend. In short -- I have trusted Graham to work with me on high-visibility projects of critical importance to myself, both personally and professionally. He's the first person I would consider for a Team Lead position on future endeavors. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions about Graham's superior results. Bob Sims CCNA, MCP, A+, N+, Sec+"